OBA - Opus Bergen As
OBA stands for Opus Bergen As
Here you will find, what does OBA stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Opus Bergen As? Opus Bergen As can be abbreviated as OBA What does OBA stand for? OBA stands for Opus Bergen As. What does Opus Bergen As mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in Bergen, Hordaland, Norway.
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Alternative definitions of OBA
- Oklahoma Bar Association
- Ontario Bar Association
- Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
- On Base Average
View 59 other definitions of OBA on the main acronym page
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- OPGC Old Palm Golf Club
- ODI Orange Drugs Inc
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- OYSAA OY Sisu Auto Ab
- OCL One Care Ltd
- OREA Ohio Real Estate Auctions
- OAGDC Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia
- OPI Omers Platform Investments
- ORF Opportunity Resource Fund
- ORES Omega Real Estate Services
- OIG One Investment Group
- OHS Orange High School